
Zion Lutheran Church, Macon, MO

Dear Guest,

Welcome to Zion, Macon!  We are grateful that you have stumbled upon our site and pray that our Lord Jesus would bless your visit.

We are excited to meet you in person.  We are also aware that you are probably curious about us.  Our hope is that this site will give you a "snapshot" of our Zion Family.  Please browse at your convenience and contact us with any questions.

Our goal at Zion: "Connecting People in Christ through Worship, Learning, Service, and Community."  We pray that you may be strengthened in your connection to our Triune God and His people.

Sunday Schedule 

Sunday School   8:45a

Worship 10:00a

Online Worship Resources

     Services are Live Streamed on our YouTube channel--Zion Macon. These can be viewed on any device that has the YouTube app: phone, computer, tablet, smart TV, Roku, etc.  Services air live at 10:00a on Sunday mornings or can be viewed by later Sunday afternoon.

     The accompanying Bulletin PDF for each service is included below:



Check out our recent newsletters below:
